24 August 2008


Week 10

We argued in class. Next week will be the due day of our individual documental things.
In the other group, they will create different things for different membors in group. However, in my group, we just have 2 films shooting. That will be hard for us 3 to distribute.

Finally, we think we need to create one more thing to support our campaign. That is pod-cast.
Because J.Y. & Steph already start to do the film. pod-cast will be my part now.

The style I hope can be as some educational program you would find in schools or even documentary T.V. I want to include an interview style in order to highlight the prevalence and commonality of binge drinking with students. This will increase the audience’s awareness and will involve them more by depicting students just like them on T.V. I feel that this will not only be more informative and direct but also more approachable for an adolescent audience.

Think about more details in next week.


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